Infrastructure for Typed Knowledge Graphs
In this post we explore infrastructure required for our emerging synthetic field:
Infrastructure for Typed Knowledge Graphs
TGKT = Typed Graph Knowledge Theory
is a mathematical definition space (purely functional), in which we obtain proofs as knowledge.
TGKT is an open-world compile-time artifact, used to produce closed-world runtime artifacts
deployed into TGKB below.
TGKT is an open-world compile-time artifact, used to produce closed-world runtime artifacts
deployed into TGKB below.
TGKB = Typed Graph Knowledge Base
is a stateful space of applied effects, in which we reason using compiled artifacts from TGKT above.
Data received (effect) in TGKB serves as explicit axioms in a queryable form until purged (effect).
TGKB is closed, predicative, replacable, and equivalent at any moment to a simple set of data files.
TGKB is closed, predicative, replacable, and equivalent at any moment to a simple set of data files.
One TGKB is always grounded in a single, permanently fixed immutable TGKT.
We derive explainable results from such a TGKB.
Complex behavior is composable as a sequence of TGKBs, based on a sequence of TGKTs.
Complex behavior is composable as a sequence of TGKBs, based on a sequence of TGKTs.
General needs
- Store and present information from quantitative realms such as finance, physical sciences.
- Tee up explainable decisions over data
- Deploy remixable A,B,C technology options in each component and layer.
Computation Activities
- Type Description
- Proof and Verification
- Data Movement and Xform
Below we rank our options for these core runtime needs, enumerating possible approaches where
required technology is not yet fully standardized and ubiquitous.
required technology is not yet fully standardized and ubiquitous.
- exec - executable machine for lab desktop, and symmetrically for server and cloud
- nosql - database components which also run on desktop, server, or cloud
- cloud - a chosen platform of cloud infrastructure, such as Google Cloud, AWS, MS Azure
- xmsg - approach to internal messaging and transactions
Exec machine options
- exec_main: ScalaToJvm
- exec_alt_01: ProverToNative
- exec_alt_02: LeanToZ3toF*
- GraalVM
- Lambda space : Unison or AWS Lambda or Google _____
NoSQL DB options
- nosql_main: Oracle_NoSql
- nosql_alt_01: SPARQL + Gremlin (see Knowledge Graph reading list)
- nosql_alt_01A: JanusGraph plus Jena-ARQ
- nosql_alt_01B: AWS Neptune
- nosql_alt_01C: Berkeley DB
- Prefer Berkeley JE pure java edition, at latest maven version 18.3.12
~= Oracle NoSql!
Cloud scalable deployment options
Basically ubiquitous in commercial realm, but can be expensive to migrate from one setup to another.
- cloud_main: Google Cloud
- cloud_alt_01: Amazon Web Services
- cloud_alt_02: Microsoft Azure
XMsg Options
- xmsg_main: HTTP + JSON + Akka + NoSQL